Payday Giving - Paying It Forward to your community

Paying It Forward is a way to pass acts of kindness on to others.

Why do so many people live their lives according to the “pay it forward” principle? Quite simply, people believe that one good deed deserves another, and it has been proven that acts of kindness can build exponentially in a community. 

People who donate every payday to the Catalytic Pay It Forward fund, provide necessary financial support to their community charities, who are always there in a time of need. Charities endorsed by Catalytic also benefit from our year-round capacity building support, mentoring and campaigns including the Christmas Shoebox Project and Backpacks4Education.

Your donation can start from as little as the price of a cup of coffee, and because it is tax-deductible, for every $6 donated, you only pay $4.

To Pay It Forward, every payday, please click here for a form to give your payroll operator or fill out the form below.

Here is our bank account to make regular automatic donations # 12-3067-0187344-00  Reference: PIFFund(& your region)  

"Wow! I donate $10 every pay to the Catalytic Foundation and have just received a donation receipt to say I contributed $520 to my community last year!"