2021 Christmas Shoebox Appeal

This Christmas will be particularly hard for a lot of struggling families and children in New Zealand. The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that many children are living in households with barely enough necessities and dealing with financial hardship on top of interruptions to schooling and social routines.

Christmas Shoeboxes go to children in refuges who had left everything behind to escape domestic violence, they go to families struggling to put food on the table and to those spending their first Christmas in New Zealand, separated from their own culture and family. 

How you can help?

1. Donate here every $50 provides a special box of gifts and you can choose the region you want to support.

2. Register here so we can provide you with boxes to fill with gifts

3. Share our social media posts to people you know

It’s a small gesture of kindness, but the effect on the recipient families can be life-changing